Garage time
I’ve been spending a bit of quality time in the garage with Beastie lately, kitting her out for the grand expedition. Check out her sexy new farkle…
There are the Touratech pannier rails (presumably so shiny because plated in white gold?), and my ferocious-looking Pivot Pegz:
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It’s pretty exciting, and there’s a bunch of other stuff to fit: fog lights, LED headlight, mosfet reg/rec, voltmeter, new auxiliary power set up with relay, headlight switch so I don’t get booked in India for having my lights on during the day… the list goes on.
I’ve discovered that time spent in the garage can be pleasantly meditative as well as deeply frustrating. Deeply frustrating because I feel like an idiot with all things mechanical; but reflective because I have to slow down and carefully, logically think these things through.
As you’d imagine, I also spend a lot of time imagining the trip. It’s funny to spend all your time thinking about and planning for the future, when you have almost no idea what it will actually look like.